Table html border style

What table element attribute do you need to specify to add a border to a table? 

The HTML <table> border Attribute is used to specify the border of a table. It sets the border around the table cells

Which attribute is used to display the space between the cell borders? 

The HTML <table> cell spacing Attribute is used to specify the space between the cells.

Border Properties CSS provides quite a number of border-related properties to assist you in creating borders. These properties can be applied to any HTML element, not just tables.  For a full list of border properties, go to CSS Properties and filter by "border".

What table element attribute do you need to specify to add a border to a table?    The HTML <table> border Attribute is used to specify the border of a table. It sets the border around the table cells    Which attribute is used to display the space between the cell borders?    The HTML <table> cell spacing Attribute is used to specify the space between the cells.  Border Properties CSS provides quite a number of border-related properties to assist you in creating borders. These properties can be applied to any HTML element, not just tables.  For a full list of border properties, go to CSS Properties and filter by "border".  table html border style      How do I put a border around a Typical Table Border in HTML?    To create a table border in HTML, the border attribute was used. But the introduction of HTML5 deprecated the border tag. Create a table border using the CSS property border.     Table border color in HTML , CSS:   th, td {      border: 2px solid red;      padding: 12px;      text-align: left;    }    Settable border as well as border for <th> and <td>.    Code example:   <style>   table {     border-collapse: collapse;   }   th, td {     border: 2px solid red;     padding: 12px;     text-align: left;   } </style>   <table>   <tr>     <th>Table A</th>     <th>Table B</th>     <th>Table C</th>   </tr>   <tr>     <td>cell 1</td>     <td>cell 2</td>     <td>cell 3</td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td>cell 4</td>     <td>cell 5</td>     <td>cell 6</td>   </tr> </table>     Output: Table A	Table B	Table C cell 1	cell 2	cell 3 cell 4	cell 5	cell 6

How do I put a border around a Typical Table Border in HTML? 

To create a table border in HTML, the border attribute was used. But the introduction of HTML5 deprecated the border tag. Create a table border using the CSS property border. 

Table border color in HTML , CSS:

th, td {

    border: 2px solid red;

    padding: 12px;

    text-align: left;


Set table border as well as border for <th> and <td>.

Code example:

Table A Table B Table C
cell 1 cell 2 cell 3
cell 4 cell 5 cell 6

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