Table Html Css Bootstrap Basic Table AR3school

What is a table Html CSS?

The HTML tables allow web authors to arrange data like text, images, links, other tables, etc. into rows and columns of cells.  

The  HTML table consists of one <table> element and one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. The <tr> element defines a table row, the <th> element defines a table header, and the <td> element defines a table cell.

To create table in HTML, use the <table> tag. A table consist of rows and columns, which can be set using one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. A table row is defined by the <tr> tag. To set table header, use the <th> tag.

How does a table HTML work?

The point of a table is that it is rigid. Information is easily interpreted by making visual associations between row and column headers. 

Simple HTML table code:

Output result:

Sinple Html table
Name Weight{Kg}
Jhon Arthur 77
Alice Mac 70

What is a table Html CSS? The HTML tables allow web authors to arrange data like text, images, links, other tables, etc. into rows and columns of cells.    The  HTML table consists of one <table> element and one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. The <tr> element defines a table row, the <th> element defines a table header, and the <td> element defines a table cell.  To create table in HTML, use the <table> tag. A table consist of rows and columns, which can be set using one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. A table row is defined by the <tr> tag. To set table header, use the <th> tag.    How does a table HTML work? The point of a table is that it is rigid. Information is easily interpreted by making visual associations between row and column headers.

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