HTML Introduction ar3school tutorials

HTML Introduction ar3school tutorials

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, stands at the very foundation of the World Wide Web. It's the language that empowers web developers to create webpages, and understanding its basics is essential for anyone venturing into web development or content creation. Let's delve into the fascinating world of HTML and explore its key aspects.

What is HTML?

HTML is a markup language that structures content on the web. It uses a system of tags and attributes to define elements within a document, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more. These elements provide the structure for web content, allowing browsers to interpret and display information in a readable format.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a primary markup language for creating websites. It consists of a series of codes used to structure texts, images, and other content to be displayed in the browser.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a primary markup language for creating websites. It consists of a series of codes used to structure texts, images, and other content to be displayed in the browser.

HTML Versions

HTML was first developed by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. Since that time, there have been many versions of HTML.

Basic HTML Concepts 

Elements, tags, and attributes are basic concepts in HTML.

An HTML element is the main structural unit of a web page. HTML tags are used to define HTML elements, and attributes provide additional information about these elements.


HTML tags are used to structure website content (text, hyperlinks, images, media, etc.). Tags are not displayed in the browsers, they only “instruct” browsers how to show the content of the web page.

There are over 100 tags in HTML, and you can find them in our HTML tutorial.

HTML tags are written in angle brackets <html>.

Most of HTML tags comes in pairs, like <p> </p> tags. The first tag in a pair is called the start (opening) tag, and the second tag is the end (closing) tag. The information is written between opening and closing tags.

However, there are unpaired, or empty tags, which only have an opening tag. (for example. <img/>).

Let’s consider an example.

If you need to define a paragraph (which is an element ) you should use <p> tag. The content of the paragraph you should write between opening (<p>) and closing (</p>) tags.


This is a paragraph between opening <p> and closing </p> tags.

HTML Attributes

HTML attributes are added to an HTML element to provide additional information about it. For example, if you define an image with <img/> tag, you can use src, height, and width attributes to provide information about its source, height, and width correspondingly.

Structure of an HTML Document

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration specifies the HTML version used in the document. Every HTML document should start with this declaration so that the browsers can render the page compliant with HTML standards.

There exist several types of <!DOCTYPE> defined for each HTML version.

All the content on the webpage is written between <html> </html> tags. The <html> element is used to give information to the browsers that it is an HTML document.

The <head> element contains metadata (data about the HTML document), character set, document title, styles, etc. This data is not shown to viewers.

The <title> displays the title of the website in the browser tab when the page is loaded. The title is written between <title> </title> tags.

The <body> element contains the content of the webpage (text, images, videos, etc.). The content is written between <body> </body>.

Heading elements contain different types of headings. There are six heading levels - <h1>-<h6>, where <h1> is the most important and <h6> least important tags.

The <p> element contains paragraphs of the text. The content is written between <p> and </p> tags.




    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    <title>Title of the document</title>



    <h1>The most important heading.</h1>

    <p> The first paragraph.</p>

    <h2> Subheading</h2>




Understanding HTML is the cornerstone of web development. It enables you to create and structure content, turning static text into interactive, visually appealing web pages. As you progress in web development, you'll combine HTML with CSS for styling and JavaScript for interactivity, creating dynamic and engaging user experiences. Embrace the power of HTML, and you'll embark on an exciting journey in the digital realm, building the web one tag at a time.

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