Robot txt user agent * disallow and Allow for blogger file code
Creating a robots.txt file for your Blogger blog is a straightforward process. This file tells search engines which parts of your website they should or should not crawl. Blogger provides a built-in option for generating and managing your robots.txt XML file.
Now you can follow this simple steps guide to help you create one:
Step 1: Access Your Blogger Dashboard
Log in to your Blogger account and access your Dashboard.
Step 2: Go to Settings
In your Blogger Dashboard, select the blog for which you want to create the robots.txt file if you have multiple blogs. Then, click on "Settings" in the left-hand menu.
Step 3: Search Preferences
In the "Settings" menu, click on "Search preferences."
Step 4: Custom robots.txt
Under the "Search option" section, you'll see labeled "Custom robots.txt." Click on "Edit" next to it.
Step 5: Enable Custom robots.txt
In the "Custom robots.txt" section, you'll see a switch that you can toggle to enable or disable a custom robots.txt file. Make sure it's set to "Yes."
Step 6: Create Your robots.txt File
Once you've enabled the custom robots.txt file, a text box will appear where you can create and edit your robots.txt rules.
This is an example of a simple robots.txt file:
User-agent: * Disallow: /private/ Disallow: /restricted/
In the above example:
User-agent: * specifies that these rules apply to all web crawlers.
Disallow: /private/ tells crawlers not to access any content under the "/private/" directory.
Disallow: /restricted/ instructs crawlers to avoid the "/restricted/" directory as well.
You can customize these rules according to your blog's structure and content. Make sure to list one rule per line.
Step 7: Save Changes
After creating your robots.txt rules, click the "Save changes" button to save your custom robots.txt file.
Step 8: Test Your robots.txt File
It's a good practice to test your robots.txt file using Google's Robots Testing Tool to ensure it's working as expected.
Click on this link tool by going to and send your blog's URL to see how Google inspects your robots.txt file.
That's all You've successfully created a robots.txt file for your Blogger blog to control search engine crawling. Remember to update and customize your robots.txt as needed to reflect changes in your blog's structure and content.
Understanding User-Agent:* Robot txt
In the context of the robots.txt file, "User-agent: *" acts as a wildcard, representing all search engine crawlers. When you use "User-agent: *," you're applying directives to all web crawlers without specifying individual user agents like Googlebot, Bingbot, or others. It's a powerful way to set rules that apply globally.
Disallowing and Allowing robot txt content:
The primary purpose of using "User-agent: *" disallow is to prevent search engines from accessing specific parts of your blog. This is useful when you have content that you'd rather not have indexed, such as private or sensitive information.
In the same way, you can use "User-agent: *" allow to make Google bots crawl to your content which needs to allow
For instance, let's say you have a directory named "/private/" or "/admin/" on your Blogger blog that you don't want search engines to crawl. You can use the following rules in your robots.txt file:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Disallow: /admin/
In this example:
"User-agent: *" applies the rules to all crawlers.
"Disallow: /private/" and "Disallow: /admin/" instruct search engines not to index anything under these directories.
Benefits of User Agent * Disallow and Allow of robot txt
Privacy Control: You can keep private information, such as login pages or personal data, hidden from search engines.
Reduced Duplicate Content: Preventing or allowing indexing of certain parts of your blog like labels, pages, history, etc. which can help avoid issues related to duplicate content.
Improved SEO: By controlling what search engines index, you can focus their attention on the most valuable content.
The "User-agent: *" disallow and allow features in Blogger's robots.txt file is a valuable tool for bloggers and website owners to manage how search engines interact with their content. It offers control, privacy, and SEO benefits, making it a powerful tool in your website management arsenal. Be sure to use it wisely and in accordance with your blog's goals and content strategy.
Read how to create robot.txt and sitemap of blogger by the ar3school online generator from here
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